Turkish Coffee Vs Espresso – What’s the Difference

Turkish coffee and espresso are without a question two of the ancient coffee-making techniques, with each having a history of more than a century. Due to the fact that both emerged mostly around Europe, many people believe they are extremely similar.

However, there is a significant distinction between the two, and has its own position and function, depending on your preferences. In this article, we will discuss Turkish coffee vs espresso.

The Process of Making Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffee is among the world’s ancient coffees, and it’s a Turkic coffee culture that’s brewed in an old-fashioned style with a cezve, a small stove pot. However, Cezve is a tiny pot with just a long handle that may be heated directly on the stove.

Copper is also used in the pot because it assists in quickly transferring heat. Science, on the other hand, has greatly advanced over time.

Nowadays cezves are made of ceramic or stainless steel. Hence, it’s much easier than it sounds to prepare Turkish coffee at home.

To prepare Turkish coffee, simply measure out the required amount of coffee, stir it into the water, and bring it to a boil. Because Turkish coffee is so robust and strong, you can sweeten it right away if you want.

Furthermore, if you don’t have an Automated Turkish Coffee Maker, take caution when brewing to keep the temperature at the right level. Finally, take the mixture from the fire once it begins to boil and pour it into glasses for your enjoyment. In general, a single cezve can easily yield 2-3 cups.

The Process of making Espresso

Espresso is a famous coffee brewing method that involves passing a high-pressure jet through the beans. To make espresso, you’ll need certain pressure-creating gear.

Furthermore, to imitate comparable forms of pressure, you might use current espresso machines or something as easy as a Moka pot or an Aeropress.

After you’ve prepared an espresso shot, you can drink it straight or include frothed milk in various amounts to make classic milk-based drinks like latte or cappuccino. Because espresso machines typically brew single shot at a time, making espresso takes slightly longer than making Turkish coffee to generate the same volume of cups.

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Some of the Major Differences

When discussing Turkish coffee vs espresso, there are some major differences between them which are:


Turkish coffee does not take long to brew, considering its ritualistic aspect. After a few trials, you will be able to make a cup of tea in less than five minutes.  Furthermore, you can prepare two or more portions in the same pot. Before splitting the brew, make sure you add equal quantities of the delightful foam into each cup.

Moreover, espresso machines were created to quicken up the coffee brewing process. A skilled barista can prepare your espresso in under a minute, as the brewing process takes only 20 to 30 seconds.

However, ultra-espresso coffee machines for home use are just as quick. They can only make one or two shots at a time. If you’re hosting guests, espressos might take longer to prepare than a cup of Turkish coffee.

Automated espresso makers, on the other hand, require almost no monitoring and may be programmed to have a cup of coffee ready for you when you get up early. And, when making Turkish coffee, you must maintain a tight check on the pot at all intervals, or the coffee may overflow, splattering all over your cooktop and kitchen countertops.


The caffeine content in Turkish coffee and espresso varies depending on the nature of roast used and the time spent brewing. Despite the fact that most espresso employs a stronger roast, espresso doesn’t yield much caffeine due to the speed with which coffee machines make coffee.

However most Turkish coffee, on the other hand, has a finer roast and a longer brewing time than espresso, implying that the water has been in action with the coffee for significantly longer and so more caffeine has been drawn out.

When comparing Turkish coffee vs espresso, the amount of caffeine in the finished product is determined by the decaffeination technique performed on the beans. Moreover, the Swiss water process is believed to be the best because it leaves behind less than 1% of the original caffeine levels without significantly affecting the flavor of the beans.

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If you’ve ever explored how to pull espresso shots, you’ll understand that the grind setting is one of the most important success variables. When done correctly, the water will flow through the coffee beans in 20 to 30 seconds, extracting the ideal flavor, aroma, and intensity without making the brew overly bitter or sour.

Moreover, Espresso grind is available from most reputable roasters, and also many grocery grinders offer this setting dialed in.

A finer grind is required for Turkish coffee, but you might need to buy a burr grinder as it is very rare. Furthermore, look for an ‘extremely fine’ setting that generates a flour-like powder.

Also, consider that Turkish coffee comes unfiltered, so coarse grounds will taste unpleasant if you don’t let them sit at the foot of the cup. Because this brewing process only involves boiling the coffee beans for several minutes, an extremely fine powder is required to achieve complete extraction and pleasant taste in a short amount of time.

If you’re a perfectionist and want to savour freshly ground beans, then a burr grinder is required, as blade machines cannot attain the expected fineness. Look for a finer setting that yields powdered particles.


The variation in brewing methods results in two distinct flavor and aroma levels that make espresso and Turkish coffee indistinguishable. The former gets its syrupy, strong, and intense flavor from high pressure and the proper bean and water ratio. Moreover, Espresso, when done correctly, is rich and full of flavor, with no acidic or bitter taste that can result from under or over extraction.

Espresso is a great way to experience coffee in its purest form, inhale the heady aroma, and analyze the finer nuances of exotic beans. However, it is ideal for making complex drinks like macchiato or latte because of its pure coffee flavor.

Turkish coffee is also rich and thick but in a different way. The thickness is achieved by using additional fine grounds, which stay in the cup that will have you smacking your lips as you sip the drink.

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However, it is the inclusion of sugar in the coffee pot prior to brewing that creates the distinct sweet, caramelized flavor that distinguishes Turkish coffee. Besides, Turkish coffee is occasionally served in its original form. Adding spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, or cloves elevates the experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Turkish coffee be used to make espresso?

Even though Turkish coffee grounds resemble espresso grounds in appearance, they do not have the same flavor when brewed in an espresso machine.

What distinguishes Turkish coffee?

Turkish coffee is blended in boiling water with no filtering of the grounds. Sugar is also included at the beginning of the brewing process.

What is meant by double espresso?

A double espresso is simply two shots. Rather than brewing one cup of coffee, you brew two. However, a double espresso is not the only type of shot or pure espresso drink available.

Which is stronger, Turkish coffee or espresso?

In the intense battle of Turkish coffee vs. espresso, ‘stronger’ is a relative term. While the former may taste extra intense, the caffeine content is nearly equal.


In terms of experience and flavor, both coffees have something special to offer. Well, it all boils down to the drinker’s preferences. You might like Turkish coffee, and you just might prefer espresso. That is entirely up to you.

However, another difference between espresso and Turkish coffee is that the former is more commonly used when you need a caffeine boost but don’t have time to enjoy a full cup of coffee.

Turkish coffee, on the other hand, has a more ritualized approach. You can drink a few cups of it in one sitting, but you must first sit down and prepare the brew.

As a result, there is some ritual involved, and you must take the time to enjoy it. Turkish coffee is ideal if you love your coffee with a variety of flavors and a rich aroma. However, if you would like pure coffee with a much finer taste, go for espresso.

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