What is Pour Over Coffee – (How to Make, Benefits)

In recent years, the art of hand-brewing coffee has experienced a comeback. People are increasingly switching from drip coffee machines to manual methods of brewing coffee. Also, it not only allows customers more influence over how the coffee is brewed, but it also gives a procedure that has been done for decades a few minutes of attention and focus.

Despite the fact that the phrase “Pour over” refers to a basic process, the display of a Pour over in your local cafe may lead you to believe that your morning cup is the result of some complicated science. While it is true that it does not have to be a difficult or daunting procedure.

What is Pour Over Coffee

Pour over coffee has been popular in third-wave coffee businesses and coffee aficionados’ homes for years. The origin of the pour over is a fading coffee cultural tradition. Moreover, Amalie Auguste Melitta Bentz was the catalyst behind it all.

Melitta was dissatisfied with the taste of her carafe one day in 1908. The coffee was harsh and over-extracted. She started exploring with various brewing methods. However, Melitta started with some blotting paper and a pierced brass pot.

Hence, she was so pleased with the results that she decided to make this new pour over brewer available to the general public.

Melitta Pour Overs became popular in the 1930s. By the 1950s, the cone-shaped style that we all are familiar with had hit the stores. Due to the superior extraction the cone afforded by a bigger area for filtration, they became a big success.

Pour-over coffee is a great choice for everybody who tries it for the first time. Because the greatest flavors of a coffee bean are removed using this procedure, the coffee produced is significantly better.

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However, pouring hot water over coffee grounds to extract subtle flavors is known as pour-over brewing. The main components of the process include ground coffee, a filter, as well as a filter holder. Check out our previous article on best ground coffee for pour over.

Pour-over is a famous method for specialty coffee because it lets the beans’ complex flavors and fragrances show through. Furthermore, the extraction of coffee soluble is efficient because it is an infusion approach rather than an immersing technique.

The infusion method assures a steady flow of fresh water for the coffee brewing process, resulting in a refined, consistent, and gentle cup.

Pour-over brewing is a great place to start for newcomers to expert brewing. Also, it produces a light body with exceptional flavour clarity, making it even easier to adjust and alter the taste and aroma each time.

How to make Pour Over Coffee at Home


Put your brewing water to a boil, then transfer to a kettle that has been preheated. Meanwhile, wet the paper coffee filter with hot water and place it inside the maker. This removes any papery taste while also preheating your brewer.

Whenever it comes to coffee extraction, keep in mind that “heat loss” is the main culprit.


Measure carefully and grind your coffee beans. For this procedure, an auto drip grinder will suffice; if grinding at home, the grind size must resemble sea salt.

For a single serving of pour over coffee, you’ll need roughly 29 grams of coffee beans, or 2 scoops of beans. You can play about with the amount of coffee to achieve the right balance.

We recommend employing this approach with aromatic single-origin coffees since it intensifies the characteristics of the bean.


In the dripper, place a filter, if you haven’t placed it yet.


Fill the filter halfway with ground coffee and gently press it to balance the grounds.

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Use as little water as needed to saturate all of the grounds. Allow for 30 seconds for the bloom to settle. Pre-infusing starts the extraction process by releasing gases and softening the oils.

Begin pouring carefully again, until the water reaches halfway along the cone. The bloom, i.e. the crust generated by the first pour, should “break up.” Start the rest of the brewing process once the foam has formed on top of the coffee grounds.

To do so, pour the remaining water into the brewer’s centre, maintaining the high water level. Don’t let any grounds go to waste.


Detach the filter, remove the grounds, and then enjoy your home-brewed coffee after the stream has slowed to a dribble.

You’re finally ready to make your own pour over coffee and taste the rich, flavorful difference a sip of coffee can offer. Check out our previous articles on the best pour over coffee makers.

Benefits of Pour Over Coffee

It’s Incredibly Useful

To begin with, it’s worth noting that this method of brewing coffee is quite practical. Nothing has to be plugged in, and there aren’t many accessories required. Pour over coffee, in theory, can be brewed almost anywhere as well as at any time.

No prior experience or Knowledge is required

This classic method of brewing coffee is one of the easiest to master, making it ideal for individuals with little or no prior expertise. You, filter, coffee, and the water are the only things involved in this process, so there’s no need for a complex instruction manual.

Quick Outcomes

Pour over coffee brewing is also simple. Instead, it takes seconds to set everything up, and you’ll have the ideal cup of coffee in no time. The entire procedure may be described as meditative and relaxing.

Low cost & Pleaseant

Pour over coffee also illustrates that you wouldn’t need a huge amount of pricey equipment to make a great cup of coffee. Using nothing more than a filter and a receptacle can produce pure magic as long as the coffee is of sufficient quality and the task is done correctly.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What makes pour-over coffee so special?

Many coffee drinkers, particularly those who enjoy black coffee, love the pour over method because they believe it produces a more flavorful and delicious cup of brew.

When you pour over coffee, how long do you let it sit?

Pour roughly two times the weight of the ground coffee into the center, ensuring that all of the coffee is wet. After that, set it aside for 30 seconds.

Is it possible to re-use the pour-over coffee grounds?

We regret that using coffee grounds to prepare more than one cup of coffee is not recommended. If you reuse the coffee grounds right away, you’ll end up with a bitter, over-extracted taste, while letting the grounds dry first will result in a sour, unsatisfying cup.

Is pour-over coffee good for you?

Coffee filters remove cholesterol that is harmful to your heart, lowering your chances of death from cardiovascular disease.


In terms of contemporary brewing trends, pour over coffee, often known as filter coffee, is a bit of an outlier. The reason for this is that, though pour over coffee has become extremely popular in recent years, it is also one of the world’s earliest and most traditional coffee brewing techniques.

It’s only that, as coffee has become increasingly popular in recent years, traditional brewing methods like as pour over coffee have witnessed a rebirth.

If you’re interested in learning more about specialty coffee, this is a great place to start. Moreover, pour over coffee is a simple way to improve your coffee game and get the greatest flavour out of it.

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