Flat White vs Latte – What’s the Difference?

Do you like your coffee with a foamy layer on top, or do you prefer to drink it straight down? There are two main types of coffee drinks that use milk: the latte and the flat white. So what’s the difference between these two drinks? Let’s take a closer look. 


A latte starts with espresso and steamed milk. The milk is then poured into a cup that has been preheated with espresso. This creates a foamy layer on top of the drink. 

Flat White:

A flat white is similar to a latte but uses less frothed milk. The espresso is added to steamed milk, which creates more microfoam than in a latte. This gives the drink a smooth texture and eliminates any bubbles. 

What is the difference between Latte and Flat White

If you love coffee, then you’ve probably had both a latte and flat white before. But do you know the difference between these two types of drinks?

Let’s take a closer look at the key differences between lattes and flat whites:

Espresso to milk ratio:

A latte has more steamed milk and less espresso than a flat white. This gives the drink a sweeter taste.


A latte has more foam than a flat white. The foam is created by steaming milk and pouring it into a cup that already has espresso in it.

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A latte is smoother than a flat white because the foam creates a barrier between the espresso and milk. A flat white has less foam, so the espresso and milk mix together more. This gives the drink a richer texture.


A latte is sweeter than a flat white because of the higher milk to espresso ratio. A flat white is richer and has more of a coffee taste because the espresso and milk mix together more.

What Exactly Is A Latte?

A latte is a coffee drink that is made with espresso and steamed milk. The milk is poured into a cup that has been preheated with espresso. This creates a foamy layer on top of the drink.

Lattes are usually served in tall glasses or mugs. They can be flavored with syrups or spices, such as cinnamon or nutmeg.

The Taste And Texture Of A Latte

Lattes have a smooth texture and a sweet taste. The foam creates a barrier between the espresso and milk, which makes the drink smoother.

The sweetness of a latte comes from the higher milk to espresso-ratio. Lattes usually have more steamed milk and less espresso than other coffee drinks.

Lattes At A Glance

  • Made with espresso and steamed milk
  • Poured into a cup that has been preheated with espresso
  • Foamy layer on top
  • Smooth texture
  • Sweet taste
  • Higher milk to espresso ratio

What Exactly Is A Flat White?

A flat white is similar to a latte, but it uses less frothed milk. The espresso is added to steamed milk, which creates more microfoam than in a latte. This gives the drink a smooth texture and eliminates any bubbles.

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Flat whites are usually served in small cups. They can also be flavored with syrups or spices.

Flat Whites At A Glance

  • Made with espresso and steamed milk
  • Espresso is added to the milk, not the other way around
  • More microfoam than a latte
  • Smooth texture
  • Richer taste
  • Less milk than a latte

The Taste And Texture Of A Flat White

Flat whites have a richer taste than lattes because the espresso and milk mix together more. The microfoam also gives the drink a smooth texture.

The less frothed milk also means that flat whites have a higher espresso to milk ratio. This gives the drink a stronger coffee flavor.

Which One Should You Order?

The type of coffee drink that you order is a matter of personal preference. If you like your coffee sweet, then you should order a latte. If you prefer a richer coffee taste, then you should order a flat white.

Why Is The Starbucks Flat White Different?

Starbucks’ flat white is different from the traditional version of the drink. It is made with two ristretto shots, which are less diluted than regular espresso shots. The milk is also steamed for a longer period of time to create a creamier texture.

Latte vs. Flat White – What is the Difference?

When it comes to coffee, there are a lot of choices. Do you want it black or with milk? Hot or iced? Flavored or plain? And once you’ve decided on those basics, there are even more choices to make. For example, do you want a latte or a flat white one?

If you’re not sure what the difference is between a latte and a flat white, you’re not alone. These two coffee drinks are similar in many ways, but there are also some key differences that set them apart.

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In general, a latte has more foam than a flat white. The foam is created by steaming milk and pouring it into a cup that contains espresso.

This creates a layer of foam on top of the drink. Lattes also have higher milk to espresso ratio, which makes them sweeter than flat whites.

Flat whites, on the other hand, have less foam and a smoother texture. The espresso and milk are mixed together more, which gives the drink a richer taste. Flat whites also have a higher espresso to milk ratio, which makes them stronger than lattes.

So, which one should you order? The answer is a matter of personal preference. If you like your coffee sweet, then you should order a latte. If you prefer a richer coffee flavor, then you should order a flat white.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which one should I order?

The answer is a matter of personal preference. If you like your coffee sweet, then you should order a latte. If you prefer a richer coffee flavor, then you should order a flat white.

Why is the Starbucks flat white different?

Starbucks’ flat white is different from the traditional version of the drink. It is made with two ristretto shots, which are less diluted than regular espresso shots. The milk is also steamed for a longer period of time to create a creamier texture.

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