How to use Siphon Coffee Maker 

Want to taste the best siphon coffee ever but don’t know how to use a siphon coffee maker? If yes, we can help you out with this detailed guide on how to use a siphon coffee maker. Siphon coffee is perfect for people who wish to have a full flavored and aromatic coffee.

However, the siphon process requires much time as compared to the other coffee makers and processes. However, the time is worth it as the coffee grounds and water blend perfectly and give an amazing taste. 

Now, let’s get started with his guide on how to use a siphon coffee maker in detail so you can easily make a siphon coffee within 7 easy and simple steps.

How to use Siphon Coffee Maker 

1. Fill water in the bottom chamber 

Firstly, let’s disassemble the siphon coffee maker and fill the bottom chamber with the required amount of water. We would recommend you to use filtered water as it will help in enhancing the flavor of your coffee. Furthermore, reassemble the coffee maker and make sure it’s on an even surface. 

2. Start the heat source

For this, you will require a heating source such as an alcohol burner or stove top burner depending on the coffee maker design. However, a small burner would be perfect, as it has a mild intensity. Moreover, you have to place the heat source below the bottom chamber to provide it with heat. However, make sure the heat is not too much as it will lead to cracking of the vessel. 

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3. Add the coffee grounds 

After the water goes into the upper chamber, now it’s time to add the coffee grounds. You will require medium coarse coffee grounds for a siphon maker, so grind those beans using a grinder accordingly. Furthermore, you will need 2 grams of coffee grounds for each ounce. Open the lid of the top chamber and add the required quantity of coffee grounds in the water, moreover, stir it using a spoon. 

4. Remove the heat source 

After adding the grounds, let the heat source be on for some time and let the coffee mix with the water. After some time, maybe 10 minutes, remove the heat source and keep it away. This step will make sure the bottom chamber will get cooled and the coffee will go downwards and it seems like a science lab experiment. 

5. Let the coffee brew 

You will have to wait for at least a minute after removing the heat source, as you can see the coffee dripping downwards through the small pipe and the coffee filter. Once the pot gets filled, your aromatic, filtered and superb tasting ready to be served. 

6. Serve the coffee 

Disassemble the siphon coffee maker by removing the topmost chamber and serve the hot and deliciously flavored coffee in a cup. Also, you can add some steamed milk or any other item according to your preference. Also, let it cool down for some time as you have to clean it afterwards.

7. Clean the siphon coffee maker 

After enjoying your hot siphon coffee, now it’s time to clean the siphon coffee maker and make it ready for the next use. Simply remove the coffee filter and remove the grounds out of the top chamber.

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Moreover, rinse all three parts using only water or you can even use a mild soap with a non metallic brush to remove the coffee oils and residue. Lastly, wipe it out with a clean damp cloth and store it away for your next brew.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to make coffee in a siphon?

As said earlier, it’s a long brewing process and you will require at least 10 to 12 minutes for each brew. Furthermore, you have to be present there all the time while the coffee brews. 

Which is the heating source for coffee siphon?

Most people use a small burner like the alcohol or propane ones. Moreover, some people simply put it on a stove to brew. We would recommend you to go for the small alcohol burners.

How does siphon coffee taste?

The siphon coffee mostly has a full-bodied taste. Moreover, it’s smooth and rich and it’s filtered, too. Many people also say it as the best coffee, which overpowers other coffee styles. 

How does a siphon coffee maker work?

The siphon or vacuum coffee maker works on the siphon principle. In easy words, after heating the lower vessel, due to the vacuum created, the water goes in the upper vessel and, after the heat source is taken out, the brewed coffee drips in the lower vessel. 


So that’s how we use a siphon coffee maker and do not worry if you don’t brew a good batch of coffee in the first trial. Making a siphon coffee requires patience and practice, which you will get after brewing it more than 2 times.

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Besides that, if you still haven’t bought a siphon coffee maker, get one from our list of top 10 best siphon coffee makers. Now that we are at the end of this guide on how to use a siphon coffee maker, we hope that you have loved our guide and you would appreciate our efforts. 

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