How to make Cappuccino with Nespresso Machine [10 Easy Steps]

Cappuccino is a traditional Italian coffee drink which is made up of steamed milk and a part of espresso. It is worldwide famous for its delicious taste and distinct aroma. Making the perfect cappuccino cup is not a hard task if you are a barista but it takes a lot of time to master the skills of coffee making manually.

Therefore, to make your task easier and to give you the perfect cappuccino cup with a single touch, Nespresso machines were launched. They can make many more coffee recipes including latte and basic coffee too. As they say there is a Nespresso machine for every coffee lover according to their needs moreover, you can master the skill of making latte art with a good aeroccino milk frother 

Here in this article we will help you in making a single serve cappuccino cup with easy and fast steps with the help of a Nespresso machine so that your cappuccino cup will be ready with its authentic taste and distinct aroma all over the room.

How to make Cappuccino with Nespresso Machine

For making a single cup of Cappuccino you will require the following items:

  • Nespresso machine 
  • External milk frother (if inbuilt is not included)
  • Sugar (as per your choice)
  • 1 Ristretto capsule
  • 100 ml full fat milk 
  • A cappuccino cup 
  • Cocoa powder, cinnamon (optional)

Now, with no delay lets move to the recipe 

Step 1- Fill the water container

Make sure your Nespresso machine is clean if not clean it before filling it with water, you can check our article- how to clean a Nespresso machine for more information. 

See also  How to make Latte with an Espresso Machine [8 Easy Steps]

Fill the water container more than half so that your machine won’t run out of water while making coffee. Also, reattach the water container to the machine carefully.

Step 2- fill the milk frother

If your Nespresso machine has an inbuilt milk frother then detach it, fill it with 100ml of milk and reattach it. Similarly, if you don’t have an inbuilt milk frother get one externally open it and fill the required quantity of milk in it. Moreover, you should use full fat milk for getting the velvety and thick Crema on the top of your Cappuccino.

Step 3- switch on the machine

Attach the machine plug to the main switch. Similarly, do the same for an external milk frother. Moreover make sure the wire is unwinded, and the machine is placed on an even surface. Lastly, switch it on.

Step 4- start the machine

Touch any of the buttons on the machine once so that your machine gets started and heats up quickly. Depending on your machine’s heat up time it may take time once it is ready, the buttons will start blinking so that you will get to know that your machine is ready.

Step 5- toss in the coffee capsule

Depending on your machine design, this step may vary for different users. Many machines come with a lever which should be pulled up so the coffee slot is visible. Add 1 ristretto coffee capsule into the coffee slot and pull down the lever as before. Similarly, other machines have a detachable head for the coffee slot so open, remove the head, place the coffee capsule into its place and reattach the slot head. Make sure 

Step 6- place the coffee cup

Place the cappuccino cup below the nozzle and on the drip tray properly. Make sure the cup size is enough for your coffee size. If you have a foldable drip tray, defold the drip tray and place the coffee cup carefully on it.

See also  How to make Latte with an Espresso Machine [8 Easy Steps]

Step 7- choose the coffee size 

Now it’s time to choose the coffee size for a basic Nespresso machine, click on the button for espresso and within seconds the machine will start pouring coffee into the cup. Similarly, some high end machines include a preset function that can make cappuccino directly with a single touch so press that button once.

Step 8- make the cappuccino cup ready   

Once your espresso gets poured into the coffee cup. Meanwhile, the frothed milk will be ready to use. For manually making a cappuccino cup place the coffee cup on an even surface or take it in hand and slowly pour the steamed milk into the cup slowly you will be able to see 3 layers of cappuccino with the smooth Crema layer on the top.

Step 9- tips to make it even more better (optional)

If you are an artist or want to make latte art, you can easily make it with a milk frother. The aeroccino milk frothers pair best with the Nespresso machines. Additionally, you can sprinkle some cocoa powder on the top of the Crema layer or some cinnamon powder if you want to try out something new.

Step 10- cleaning the machine

After enjoying your delicious self made cappuccino now, it’s time to clean your machine. Remove the used coffee capsule and discard it immediately, clean the milk frother. Run a cycle only through water.

That’s how you make a cup of cappuccino with no one’s help and master the game of coffee making. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between latte and cappuccino?

In a cappuccino you can see 3 distinct layers of espresso, steamed milk and Crema on the top. However, in a latte all 3 are blended together to get the thick consistency.

Is cappuccino stronger than coffee?

Yes, cappuccino has a much more intense flavour and caffeine concentration as compared to a simple coffee.

Does cappuccino make you fat?

Yes, the milk content has fat in it, which will make you gain weight if you do not drink it in moderate amounts.

Which nespresso capsule is best for cappuccino?

Ristretto coffee capsule is said to be the best for making a cup of cappuccino. It is a moderate intensity coffee capsule.

How much milk should you use for making one cup of cappuccino?

Using milk totally depends upon you but ideally use approximately 100ml full fat milk for better results and a perfect cup of cappuccino.


So, that’s how you make a delicious and tasty cappuccino cup at home. A perfect cappuccino requires the right amount of coffee grind, perfect milk thickness and temperature, which may seem as a tedious task for many new coffee makers here. However, a Nespresso machine can do the task for you with a single touch.

Because of a Nespresso machine, it is easy to make a cup of coffee within seconds. Nespresso machines are easy to use because of their user friendly controls.

Check out our article on how to use a Nespresso machine for more information. Moreover, they are also easy to clean. Some of these machines also include an automatic function for cleanup. You may be thinking of buying a Nespresso machine for yourself, but how? Don’t worry! We have got you covered. Check out our article best nespresso machines of 2021 so that you can buy a perfect Nespresso machine according to your requirements.

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